First Day of School
Wednesday, 5 February 2025
The Year 7s (along with Year 12s and new students to the College) return on Day 1 of Term 1, with other year groups beginning the term on Day 2. This gives our Year 7s a much less crowded first day, allowing them to focus on getting their bearings and navigating the College's large campus.
8.15am Students meet in the College Gymnasium.
Students should bring their recess and a pencil case.
Lunch is provided.
No school bag, books or devices are to be brought.
Year 7 Camp at Serpentine Camping Centre
Week 2, 2025
It is compulsory for all Year 7 students of Mandurah Catholic College to participate in a Transition Camp Program as part of their induction into the College and their transition from primary school. This Camp forms part of the Transition curriculum, and even though some students are nervous about sleeping away from home, we have the staff on hand, including myself, to take care of them.
Students will receive a Consent2Go invitation to fill out important medical information and emergency contact information.
You will be sent an email invite to Consent2Go in November. Please note: This is compulsory for guardians to complete.
Students will be divided into two gender-based groups:
Group 1 (Boys): 8.30am Monday, 10 February to 2.00pm Wednesday, 12 February 2025.
Group 2 (Girls): 8.30am Wednesday, 12 February to 2.00pm Friday, 14 February 2025.
College Information
Device Information
In 2025, Year 7 students will have a College-Managed Device.
This will be included in your fees over the next 3 years.
For more information, follow the link below.
Stay Updated
Please download the MCC App to ensure you do not miss any important information regarding the College.
Students without siblings currently enrolled at MCC will be allocated to a House, with their House being revealed to them on Orientation Day.
Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate requests for particular Houses.
The booklist will be emailed to you in early November.
In November, you will receive an email invitation to Consent2Go, where you can update all necessary details.
No, it is compulsory for all Year 7 students to participate in a Transition Camp Program as part of their induction into the College and transition from primary school.
You will receive an email when your child starts at MCC. You can set up a direct debit and make regular payments.
Tara Uniforms Unit 16/8 Magenta Terrace, Mandurah WA 6210
There are no specific device requirements, as the College will be launching a College Managed Device Program (CMD) in 2025. For more details, please visit our website:
Homeroom begins at 8:20am each day, and the school day finishes at 3:00pm.
To download, search for Mandurah Catholic College on the App Store or Google Play Store.
The MCC App is designed for Mandurah Catholic College Parents and Guardians to access all of the latest information about events and daily life at the College.The MCC App sends push notifications to Parents/Guardians with their choice of what categories to follow eg: St Patricks, Year 10, Secondary, Primary, Community events.
They will have their photo taken on the first day of school. The smart rider will be received and issued in the second week. It is not necessary to purchase your own smart rider in the interim, cash is accepted on the buses.