Under the patronage of the Holy Family, Mandurah Catholic College welcomes and cares for students, parents and staff as members of a diverse but inter-connected family. The Holy Family were chosen as the Patrons of the College as they are an inspiration to students and staff in their pursuit of learning and faith development.
We are united by a common mission to provide a learning environment that allows for the wholistic development of each individual, facilitating their faith journey and spiritual development. Students are given every opportunity to develop their unique gifts and talents through a range of opportunities on offer. A Catholic Christian school draws upon a rich heritage of spiritual gifts to formulate its own unique way of being and giving service to all.
While in Primary School, students undertake three sacraments, which are completed through Our Lady’s Assumption Parish and facilitated by the College.
Reconciliation - Year 3
Information Night, Commitment Mass, Retreat, Activity Night and Morning Tea
Communion - Year 4
Commitment Mass, Church Visit, Retreat and Morning Tea
Confirmation - Year 6
Information Night, Commitment Mass, Activity Night, Retreat, Commitment Mass, Activity Night, Practice and Morning Tea
Missed Sacraments
Secondary students who missed out on completing their sacraments and wish to receive them can contact Mrs Ruth Daly for details regarding the Parish Catechetics Program in Mandurah (if they fall within the Mandurah Parish Boundaries). Secondary students who live within the boundaries of the parishes of Dawesville, Pinjarra, Waroona, Baldivis, Port Kennedy and beyond will need to contact their local parish for details.According to the Bishop’s specific request, Secondary students are instructed in the Sacraments at the Parish, not at school. Students would receive one sacrament per year via the Parish Catechetics program.
Our Lady’s Assumption Parish
8 Stevenson Street, Dudley ParkHarmonious collaboration between Parish and College is a fundamental aspect of building and maintaining an authentic Catholic community. The College is in Our Lady’s Assumption Parish under the guidance of Parish priest Fr Johny and supported by Associate Priests Father Anson and Father Albin. Some College students and staff also attend the Dawesville, Pinjarra or Waroona parishes.
The College has a rich and dynamic partnership with Our Lady’s Assumption Parish:
College Leadership are representatives on the Parish Council.
The College is actively involved in Parish key celebrations and students are offered the opportunity to complete their Service Learning program by actively participating in these events.
The priests have a strong presence at the College. They celebrate masses and liturgies, conduct Right of Christian Initiation of Adults sessions for staff, and Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist training for staff and students.
The College Evangelisation Plan actively promotes the partnership between College and Parish with its focus on Staff Prayer Formation.
The Christian Service Learning (CSL) program promotes servant leadership with an emphasis on ‘the other’. It is a fundamental and practical ‘hands-on’ component of our College Ministry mission. CSL supports the development of well-balanced young people who will eventually take their place in society and place emphasis on connecting through relationships.
The College’s CSL program aims to complement the ‘head’ and ‘heart’ aspects of our Religious Education curriculum, Liturgy, Sacramental and Retreat programs. Active participation in developmentally appropriate and structured service experiences that meet actual community needs offers students many benefits also. This includes:
The opportunity to grow from a faith perspective
The experiential ‘learning’ aspect
The diverse opportunities to acquire the knowledge and understandings of love, compassion, justice and service
First-hand experience of ‘service’ as a way of learning and living
The opportunity to act out of love and respect for each human being, regardless of race, religion, beliefs or cultural background
Reflective of our patronage of the Holy Family, the CSL program has been divided into four different areas:
Year 7 Home Based – Family/Parish to complete a minimum of 10 CSL hours
Year 8 Reaching Out – Wider family/Parish to complete a minimum of 10 CSL hours
Year 9 College based – College, Parish and Community to complete a minimum of 10 CSL hours
Years 10, 11 and 12 – College, Parish and Community to complete a minimum of 50 CSL hours with reflections, to achieve a Community Service WACE endorsed C grade.
For more information on the Colleges’ CSL program and requirements, please speak to Mrs Deanne Johnson , Christian Service and Futures Coordinator.
Flores, Indonesia
Mandurah Catholic College’s International Immersion Program offers students a unique experiential learning opportunity through partnership with underprivileged communities. Since 2016 the College has supported Flores Village Partners, a not-for-profit, Mandurah-based organisation which helps disadvantaged communities on the remote island of Flores, Indonesia. Planning has commence for the next International Immersion Program, including travel to Flores from 6th to 14th July 2025Biennially, a merit-selected group of students and staff travel to Flores to work collaboratively with the local partners and families to make a sustainable contribution to improving education and health facilities for the local communities. The whole College community is involved in raising funds to enhance the quality of life for the people of Flores, in the lead up to the trip. The College works with Flores Village Partners who support the Flores education, health, water and sanitation programs, to decide how best to allocate the funds.
The Immersion Program aims to develop students’ global civic responsibility, cultural sensitivity and spiritual formation, empowering them to be active agents of change in society. Mutual cross-cultural learning, respect for human dignity and critical reflection on global issues are significant components of the Immersion Program.
For more information on the application process and travel dates, please speak to Mrs Deanne Johnson , Christian Service and Futures Coordinator.
The College Prayer was created in 2011, by then Year 8 student Emily Ferraro. For the past 11 years, the College Prayer has been a daily occurrence, providing students and staff a chance to reflect on our Holy Family Patrons.
Dear Lord,
Bless us the people of Mandurah Catholic College, that we may be guided to do right each day and to seek your truth. Though we travel together through good times and bad, let us always remember the example of the Holy Family.
Mary, Mother of God and mother to all, help us to be as faithful as servant to God as you were.
Joseph, earthly Father of Jesus, you showed unconditional love, help us to love and care in this way also.
Jesus, Son of God the Father, watch over us. May our College be a place of Peace & Hope, Learning, Faith and Love.