My MCC - Tracey Richmond - 2007 to 2012 Staff Member
Give us a brief overview of what you're doing now:
Still teaching Maths
What connection/s do you have with MCC?
Past Staff Member
What years were you involved with MCC?
Q1. What is your first or earliest impression of MCC?
It was my first experience teaching in Australia. We’d just arrived from the UK so I was amazed at how hot it was, how everything was outside. I loved the campus! ...but kept getting lost
Q2. Tell us about your most memorable time at MCC?
There are many:
Doing a dance exhibition with Years 8/9/10
Singing at Rocking with the staff
Teaching a very lively 9.4 Maths class
Being knocked to the ground by an AFL ball on duty on the oval
The first whole school mass - it blew my mind a bit
Q3. Tell us about a staff member who made a huge difference to your life or to the College?
Mary-Anne Reynolds and I taught Year 8 Maths together and she and I had a healthy rivalry with our class averages. I loved teaching with her. She was also Head of Middle School and was very supportive.
Q4. How has MCC had an impact on your life or helped you to achieve your goals?
It will always be the first school I taught at in Australia so it’s pretty special.
Q5. If someone asked you about MCC, what would you tell them are the best things about the College and why?
The family and community atmosphere. I taught so many amazing kids when I was at MCC. I still keep up with many... and am so happy to see marriages and babies!